Summer Reading, New Goal

I just picked up a really big book to read this summer - the NASM Personal Fitness Training program. This hardcover book been on my ‘must-read’ list for some time and I’ve finally found the confidence to enroll in the online certification program. The long and short of it is that I have wanted to learn more about health and fitness for my own personal goals, as well as launch a second career. Since on-the-job-training didn’t pan out at the gym last fall, it seems that all the arrows are pointing me toward the online NASM-CPT program. I’m definitely nervous, but equally excited.

My former career was in the environmental field. While in college and upon graduation, I worked as an intern on one of the most contaminated sites in the state of Michigan, then went on to be an environmental consultant for many years. I even spent a short time as a minority shareholder in an environmental consulting company. After starting our family, so many years ago, my husband and I decided that it made sense for me to stay at home. It wasn’t an easy decision to make, but I left my career to focus on our family. Though I couldn't sit still for very long. While the kids were in school, I was able to take on part-time jobs that were flexible enough to work around school and family activities. I also picked up running. Lots and lots of running. 

I’ve been thinking about NASM-CPT certification for a few years and I’ve finally run out of excuses for putting off enrollment. My part-time blog writing job won’t interfere with online learning. The kids are in college and completely self-sufficient. My big races for this year, including the 50-miler, were either postponed or cancelled, so I don’t need to spend as much time training for these events. Not to mention, we are still in sheltering-in-place here in Michigan.

Motivated by my love of running and a passion for improved health and fitness, I have striven to encourage friends embarking on fitness pursuits. From couch-to-5k programs to first-time marathoners, I’ve always found it incredibly rewarding to see friends achieve big goals. Now I can progress from cheerleader to trainer. I hope to share my knowledge from the NASM-CPT program, as well as my 20 years of running experience, to support others on their quest for improved health and fitness.

Training starts Monday and should take 10-12 weeks to complete, though I still need to schedule the final certification test. Say a prayer and wish me luck! Thanks for your support!


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