Welcome March, Welcome Spring

Thank goodness we made it through February, the shortest, yet longest month of the year. It always seems extra cold, extra snowy and extra gray in February, though it really wasn’t nearly that bad this year. We did have plenty of beautiful blue-sky days. Even so, I’m so glad we finally made it to March.

There is so much to celebrate this month! We are now in meteorological Spring, daylight savings is just a week away and we are about to re-start my local run club for the year. My little brother’s birthday is in a few weeks too – Happy Birthday! March is also Woman’s History Month.

I'm grateful to have many women in my family and incredible friends who I admire and inspire me often. Obviously, the most important women in my life include my daughter and Mom. I want to thank my Mom for most recently taking care of me after a minor surgical procedure and making sure I stayed focused on recovery and not on the training I was missing. We spent 10 wonderful days together while my husband was away for work and my kids were occupied with school. We talked, laughed, shopped and walked (slowly). I ate well at her house. My Mom is an amazing cook and she catered to my preferred way of eating. She made sure I kept in line with doctor’s post-op orders and started walking slowly, i.e. not running. I really had a wonderful time and feel extra grateful to have had this time together.


One of the things I shared with my Mom was a quote I’ve had rolling around in my head for some time. “What would you do if you could not fail.” It’s an inspirational quote that I’ve heard many times and overlooked until recently. There are so many things you can make of this quote, but for me, I made the decision to do two things without considering failure as an option. I’ve chosen to run 50 miles and start this blog. Both are pretty big decisions and there is plenty of room for failure, but I’m choosing to overlook that and set my sights on a successful outcome.

I’m confident in my training for the 50-mile race that is three months away. I feel like I’ve done nearly everything possible to make sure I arrive at the starting line healthy and ready for a long day. I’m still training, learning and making preparations to position myself for a good day.

Most of my friends and family know that I write business blogs. I’m essentially a ghost writer and I’ve enjoyed this job immensely for almost 9 years! It’s so much easier to write knowing I don’t have to take any criticism or answer any questions about my work blogs. While it may not seem like a big difference, sharing personal thoughts and feelings in this blog is a challenge. I don’t like feeling vulnerable or opening myself to criticism. By forcing myself out of my comfort zone, I hope gain a little confidence by being more open. I’m also motivated by the hope that if anyone can learn from my running experience, or from the information I share about cancer from Fxck Cancer, then this blog will be a success.

I have a busy month of training ahead of me, starting with our own Epic Challenge this weekend. My training partner and I will be running a 5k, 10k, half marathon and full marathon on consecutive days starting on Wednesday. I’m looking forward to spending some quality miles with her and for starting March off strong! I hope you have great plans for this month and wish you the best of luck in your running and life’s pursuits!

For 2020, I’ll be fundraising for Fxck Cancer. I chose this nonprofit because cancer sucks. It’s scary and uproots lives for cancer warriors and their families. Please donate to Fxck Cancer through my personal Fxck Cancer fundraising page. Purchase gear directly from Fxck Cancer – proceeds go back to the nonprofit. Be sure to look at the Dyin 2 Live Dreams Program for more inspiration. Your generous donation to this nonprofit will make a big difference in many lives. Thank you for your support!


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