There is Something Good in 2020 This has been quite a year, on that we can all agree. It’s hard to turn off the news and social media, yet we really should. Highlights of covid-deaths, racial inequalities, mask-wearing arguments and back-to-school discussions are stressing everyone to the max. At these levels of controversy and stress, it’s no wonder that humanity isn’t exactly showing its best side. Alice Morse Earle is credited with the saying “Every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day.” When you don’t see the good, then be the good that people need to see. I’ve chosen Fxck Cancer as my charity for 2020 and I still need your help. I’m doing my best to support this organization through one strange, challenging year. Here’s why your support means more now than ever. Cancer screenings and diagnoses were likely delayed during the shelter-in-place orders in most states. Concerned about the covid-crisis, people may not have been paying attention to their o...